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Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer
Arch Dyson TV Director Producer

Not the best of times for production at the moment but working from home and getting on with it. I'm still with Sony looking after Dragons' Den, Shark Tank etc. Just after leaving UKTV the…

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Plenty has happened since my last update. I have been with Sony Pictures for over 6 months now. I have just returned from Vietnam and Thailand having worked with the local production teams on Shark…

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Very exciting times. I have joined Sony Pictures Television. I had two and half years at UKTV and made lots of pals and got some great shows made. Helicopter ER, 999: Rescue Squad, Red Bull…

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I'm currently working on a cooking series and a show about a car auction. Added to this, I am developing a couple of comedy projects and a motoring show! Plenty to keep me busy. I…

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It has been a busy and challenging start to 2018. I lost my mate Trevor Mc Callum who I had made quite a few shows with. I'll miss him. I managed to help get the…

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I've been having a bit of an update on the website so have been a little radio silent. I have added new categories to the genre section which now includes Factual and Sport. On the…

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Just finished the Red Bull Soapbox race at Alexandra Palace. What a great event. Well done to the Red Bull team. About to fly off to Finland for Sony International then back to look after David Haye's…

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Just finished a new form of tennis Called Tie Break Tens in Madrid for UKTV. 16 of the world's top tennis players playing tie breaks for 4 hours live on Dave! Brilliant. Now in production…

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Besides looking after Helicopter ER, Red Bull Soap Box etc for UKTV, there are other new shows coming along soon so will update when they are confirmed.

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Well, here we are in 2017! Happy New Year to you all. I'm kicking of the new year with UKTV again working on Helicopter ER, Red Bull Soap Box whilst looking for new gameshows and…

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I'm still working with UKTV. Just finished Celebrity Haunted Hotel Live as one of the Exec Producers. Great seeing John Thompson again! Just about to shoot Ultimate Strongman Championship in Newcastle and setting up the…

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Back with UKTV again working on a top secret project. TBA!!! Going back to Vienna again for Dragon's Den studios so all moving forward.

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